How do I enroll?
Call or email us to set up an appointment to come in and tour the Center!
How can I get involved?
We encourage parents to participate in our programs, as chaperones, or volunteers. Parents are welcome to Bright Kidz at any time. Feel free to spend your lunch break with us; come stay for a morning and join in the fun learning activities with your child. Got a free afternoon? How about getting in some playground time with your child? Children love it when their grown-ups play with them. We have many events at the center for holidays that parents are encouraged to attend and help out. We also have an annual Family Night Barbecue during the late spring that is a great event for parents to connect with teachers and other parents. Parent-Teacher Conferences are also a great way to get in touch with how your child is doing.
Do children go outside every day?
As a 5 Starts program, we follow the National Weather Service Weather.gov to guide us. Children need to have a chance to run and play every day. As long as the weather is appropriate, the children go outside twice each day for about 30 – 45 minutes each time. If the weather is not appropriate, the teachers will plan for some large motor indoor activities to do that will give them a chance to get their “rainy day” energy out.
Will my child be ready for Kindergarten?
Bright Kidz participates on a Delaware Kindergarten Readiness Team and provide information about events schools are holding such as kindergarten registration day or special family activities at the schools. We also provide invitations to school led events for children (school play, special programs, etc.). Our curriculum, Creative Curriculum, focuses on the process of learning. This curriculum helps teachers to create an environment that is rich with opportunities for children to explore their world, to discover, to practice social skills, to become problem solvers and to build a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.
How do I know my child is safe while I am at work?
We pride ourselves on doing everything we can to keep our children safe. In addition to our security entry system, requiring a passcode, we require all children to be signed in and out using our system ProCare touch screen by the entrance. Bright Kidz has security cameras all over the building; in the classrooms, hallways, parking lot and playgrounds. These cameras are recording 24/7. Also, as an extra security we have panic buttons in all the classrooms beside a removable one to be taken outside in the playground.
How will I know what happens during the day?
Each day, you will receive a daily report for your child describing diaper changes, meals, special activities, and naptime. Of course, the teacher and office staff are available to answer any questions you may have. Weekly Lesson Plans along with classroom schedules are posted in each classroom on the parent information board.